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The Attentive Gallerist is an independent initiative that places onto a single platform resources (articles, talks, guides, and discussions) related to the business aspects of running an art gallery. While this knowledge base is not exhaustive, it highlights unique and multidimensional perspectives on the challenges and opportunities that galleries worldwide encounter. Our hope is that this platform encourages critical thinking, innovation, and best practices within the sector.

All content on the site is sourced from public sites, and The Attentive Gallerist simply centralizes this content for convenience and accessibility.


// The Business of Art //

The Indian Art Market

(Anino Sen, The Art Business, 2024)


Marc Spiegler on the Evolution of the Art Business

(The Art Angle, 2023)

// A Global Perspective //

// Digital World //

// Collectors and Collections //

Collecting Prints with Jordan Schnitzer

(Hello Print Friend Podcast, Nov. 15, 2022 | Start at 16:06)

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